Use of Media Technologies

Various use of different media technologies, and pieces of software during this whole project varied, as i made use of both Windows 7 and Mac's during this project, many different Applications were used, varying due to the fact i used both of these operating systems.

The use of Media Technologies in the

- Construction of my Project
The Main media technologies i used during the actual making and production of my Main task, was the use of iMovie '11, iDvd, Adobe After Effects CS5, Sony Vegas Pro 10.These were used for the following reasons, and given specific roles in my production:

iMovie '11 - The cutting and syncing of raw footage, which was then exported as a movie file ".mov". The reason I exported for further use was i found it easier to bring together my clips and sync them with music, into the correct order for my final render of my Film Production.

iDvd - iDvd was used to export my final project onto a dvd, but also to create a dvd menu to suit the style of the film, and make it easy to access. Although the process of using iDvd was very short, and most of the time was spent whilst waiting for the final dvd to render and copy over to the dvd.

Adobe After Effects CS5 - I used AAE (Adobe After Effects) To create my Entire Title Sequence with a blue and black theme, i think this taught me a lot about the use of advanced software for the creation of video, but also showed me how time consuming it can be to create a 20-30 second title sequence which was split up into separate titles and inserted in between Camera shots to seem more like opening credits, but to also help it look more like the start of a film, as appose to a trailer for a film.

Sony Vegas Pro 10 - Sony Vegas was used as the main "Editing tool" for my piece, as i prefer to use this to iMovie, as i find it easier to work with, but a downside to using this is that the render times tend to be longer, but the outcome/final product after a long render tends to be of a high quality.

Research -
The Media technologies used in my research for my product are the use of already existing forms of media that can relate directly to the ideas and plots of my production, the main example relating directly to the plot of my film was the film "I Am Legend" The main reason this directly related to my production, is that the plot is more or less a clone as to my film, the main difference being that in my production there is no use of creatures that appear to be following the main character, the survivor, he is in fact the only survivor, but still appears to be searching for others.

Planning -Originally i used a program for the Mac's called "Comic Life" which is a simple program for creating cartoons, comics but also gives the option to create custom templates, with this a template similar to a storyboard can be created, which i did create, printed, and storyboarded for my product on it. However, after drawing, and attempting to scan in these storyboards, they were of a poor quality, and hard to see. (My drawing skills are also not the best) which forced me to recreate my storyboard using a combination of Microsoft Paint, and Adobe Photoshop CS5. I tried to recreate my story boards to be as close to the originals as possible, but with a higher level of quality and understanding, to make them more viewable and clear to others reading them, as appose to just myself.

Evaluation -The only real use of Media Technologies in terms of the evaluation of my product, is the use of an application called Quicktime Player, which enabled me to watch my production alongside a document to record me evaluation, which gave me the opportunity to pause and slow-mo my film to highlight certain parts of it, and heavily evaluate my piece, bit by bit.